For the community. By the community.

Root Access was founded with the goal of filling the gaps in Fresno's technology scene by building a community space for coders, engineers, hobbyists, and other technology makers to learn, explore, and share. We have diverse tool set, including 3D printers, laser cutters, electronics lab, workshop, crafting studio, and much more being added all the time! We host tons of events, including workshops and meetups, and have grown to 104 members and counting!

Root Access is a nonprofit organization designated as a tax-exempt public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code.

EIN: 99-2882969

What do our name and logo mean?

On Linux and other Unix-based computer operating systems, the root user is the account that has access to all commands and files. Having root access means you can do anything on that system. "You can do anything" is the embodiment of our space.

Our logo is based on a pattern in Conway's Game of Life, called a glider. We wanted to be a place where the community can learn, explore, and share — all we needed to do was to connect the dots.

Get high-res raster and vector versions of our logo.

Board of Directors

Photo of
Derek Payton
Founder & Executive Director
Photo of
Michael Chrisco
Photo of
Brooke Payton
Photo of
Wendy Chrisco
Photo of
Michael Frank
Photo of
Jacob Joaquin
Photo of
Austin Reilly
Photo of
Jeanette Rivera

Founding Members

Dylan Armitage
Michael Chrisco
Wendy Chrisco
Jason Cooksey
Brian Gadberry
Elanna Grossman
Jacob Joaquin
Diana Kraus
Jason Kraus
Brooke Payton
Derek Payton
Jeanette Rivera
Jeremy Robles
Corey Shuman
Csaba Toth

Making an Impact. Together.

Root Access is proud to work with a number of organizations to uplift our Valley and do cool things in our community. We've worked with these organizations on a wide range of projects that include technology, art, education, economic development, digital rights, environmental justice, and more.

Central California Asthma Collaborative
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Fresno Economic Opportunities Commision
Fresno Grizzlies
Fresno State
GDG Fresno
Holiday Magic Studios
Rogue Festival
SVS Tower Arts Center
Team 3303
WTM Fresno