Contributing To The Wiki

You are viewing an older revision! See the latest version

Getting Permission

If you'd like to get access to edit the wiki, please get in touch with Derek (email or Discord work best!) and he'll add the permission to your Root Access website account.


This wiki uses Markdown, specifically Github Flavored Markdown. We're using the markdown-it-py parser, with a number of Open Source and custom plugins that extend functionality.

Installed Plugins


We are using a number of plugins from the mdit-py-plugins package:

  • Admonitions
  • Heading Anchors
  • Attributes (block and inline)
  • Definition Lists
  • Footnotes
  • Task Lists

Please reference their documentation for the syntax of extra features.


mdit-py-emoji gives us a syntax for ✨ emoji ✨!


...And so on. The full list of conversions can be found in mdit_py_emoji/

Custom Syntax

We have a few syntax additions that help streamline certain things and make it a little easier to contribute.

Instead of having to grab the full URL to a wiki page, for example , you can just wrap the target page slug in a couple of square brackets:

[\[Laser_Cutting]]Laser Cutting

^ TODO: FIXME. Because of our the custom wiki link processor works, the example always gets rendered. Remove the \ in between the first two brackets and you'll have the actual wiki code you need.

File Attachments

To display a file on a page, that file must be upload to the page on the editing screen. Once a file is uploaded, it can be referenced in the markdown.

Display the file URLfilename.txtfilename.txt
Display an image![image alt text](filename.jpg)image alt text
Link to a file[Get the file!](filename.txt)Get the file!

^ TODO: FIXME. We need to have actual example files uploaded to this page before the examples will have the proper output.

Contributing To The Wiki was last modified by Derek Payton on Dec. 30, 2023, 11:15 p.m.