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LoRa (Long Range) is a wireless technology that allows for long range decentralized communication and uses very little power.

Meshtastic is an open source mesh network built to run on affordable LoRa devices.

Central Valley Mesh is a group of Meshtastic users from across the Central Valley.

Getting Started

➡️ Check out for instructions and hardware lists.**

The easiest way to get started is to pick up a basic LoRa board and antenna. A few of us have gotten started with this setup, which come with two sets of parts – Set one up at home and toss the other onto a power bank for a mobile setup.


TowerMeshTBDAimed at folks in the Tower District
RootAccessTBDFor members of Root Access


Meshtastic was last modified by Derek Payton on June 3, 2024, 3:35 a.m.